How long should people with disability have to wait?

Let’s end the bureaucratic delays and provide people with disability approval for the housing and support they are entitled to.

We want to hear from people like you who are stuck waiting for support & housing. Share with us your story and join others like you. Together we can turn months of delays into action to 10 days.


Right Now there are Thousands of People with disability who are stuck simply waiting... 

Waiting in hospital beds, in nursing homes and at home with their families who are unable to care for them. Waiting to be able to live in a home that meets their needs, like everybody else. Waiting for the NDIS support they are entitled to.

The Federal Government needs to take immediate action to end the bureaucratic delays and give people with disability access to the housing and supports they need.

see stories of the impact that long delays have had on people below


The facts


Australians with disability are waiting months to receive the funding they need from the NDIS to access appropriate housing.

For senior Australians in hospital, it takes just a few days to receive approval for funding for aged care.

There are more than 1,100 Australians with disability stuck in hospital, ready for discharge but unable to move because they are waiting for the NDIS to process their paperwork and approve funding for their supports.

More than 50 young people with disability are forced into aged care each month because they are waiting for NDIS funding to enable access to appropriate housing.


it can take months for PEOPLE with disability to get the funding they need for housing and support.

It’s time to end the delays. Let’s get that time down to 10 days.


Let's turn months of delays into action in 10 days.


Sign the petition

We need your support to rally the Federal Government to end these bureaucratic delays. Enter your details to sign the petition.