Our stories

The stories of people with disability waiting for funding from the NDIS to be able to live independently are far too common.

While senior Australians can receive approval to enter aged care within a matter of days, young people with disability can wait months for funding determinations. This waiting time is often spent in hospitals or aged care facilities.

Read and watch stories showing the impact that long delays have had on them below.


Jack* waited 5 months To get SDA

Jack*, who is 27, submitted application for SDA because he lives in an unsuitable unit. The unit is unsafe for staff and for Jack. It took 5 months, 9 urgent emails, phone calls and a complaint to get the outcome Jack needed. A suitable SDA had been identified for him and he was eager not to miss the opportunity. It took from May 2021 through to March 2022 to get the outcome Jack needed.

* Name has been changed

JANE* waited 169 days to get sda

I’m behind this campaign, in the hope that telling my story can help change the way NDIS responds to housing requests and shine a light on a system that has made gaining suitable housing, which is a basic human right, a traumatic and stressful experience. I just don’t want to see anyone else go through what I have been through…

*Name has been changed


RIKKI wAited 13 months to get sda

I’m Rikki, and I’m 36 years old. I live in my Mum’s garage, which is a ‘granny-flat’ type of arrangement. I can’t access the main house that my Mum lives in because my wheelchair is too big. The garage isn’t where I want to live. I want to be independent, to have some freedom and to make my own choices. I can’t do that while I’m living in the garage.

I’m behind this campaign, in the hope that telling my story can help change the way NDIS responds to housing requests and shine a light on a system that has made gaining suitable housing, which is a basic human right, a traumatic and stressful experience. I just don’t want to see anyone else go through what I have been through…

*Name has been changed


My name is Janet* and I’m 61 years old, and I use a wheelchair. I live in a unit that is not suitable for me and I have applied for funding for SDA. I’ve been waiting 9 months for my SDA application to be processed. I have contacted the NDIS by phone several times and have been told that it is with the right department, but they cannot me how long it will take.

There are many reasons why my current living situation is not suitable. Having to wait so long is very frustrating and living in an unsuitable place has impacted my mental health. I just want to be independent and not rely on other people for so much…

*Name has been changed